Public Law 117-118 passed May 09, 2022

Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022

Loan and Lease of Defense Articles to the Governments of Ukraine and Eastern Flank Countries

Fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the President may authorize the United States Government to lend or lease defense articles to the Government of Ukraine or to governments of Eastern Europe impacted by Russian Federations invasion of Ukraine to help bolster those countries defense and protect their civilian populations.

Exclusions include-

The President may delegate only to an official appointed by the President and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

No later than 60 days after the enactment of this Act, the President shall expedite procedures for the delivery of any defense articles loaned to the Government of Ukraine.


    • Defense article

      • Section 47 of Arms Export Control Act reads as follows:

        • (3) ‘‘defense article’’, except as provided in paragraph (7) of this section, means, with respect to a sale or transfer by the United States under the authority of this Act or any other foreign assistance or sales program of the United States—

        • (A) any weapon, weapons system, munition, aircraft, vessel, boat, or other implement of war,

        • (B) any property, installation, commodity, material, equipment, supply, or goods used for the purposes of making military sales,

        • (C) any machinery, facility, tool, material, supply, or other item necessary for the manufacture, production, processing, re- pair, servicing, storage, construction, transportation, operation, or use of any article listed in this paragraph, and

        • (D) any component or part of any article listed in this paragraph, but does not include merchant vessels or (as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954) source material (except uranium depleted in the isotope 235 which is incorporated in defense articles solely to take advantage of high density or pyrophoric characteristics unrelated to radioactivity), byproduct material, special nuclear material, production facilities, utilization facilities, or atomic weapons or articles involving Restricted Data