Public Law 117-145 passed June 16, 2022
Supply Chain Security Training Act of 2021
Training Program to Manage Supply Chain Risk
180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services through the Federal Acquisition Institute shall develop a training program for officials with supply chain risk management responsibilities at Federal agencies.
The training program will be designed to prepare personnel to perform supply chain risk management activities and identify and mitigate supply chain security risks, throughout the acquisition lifecycle including information and communication technology.
The training program includes-
Protection of classified and sensitive information, information on current, specific supply chain security threats and vulnerabilities
Administrator updates as necessary
Coordination and Consultation
The Administrator shall-
Coordinate with Federal Acquisition Security Council, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Director of the Office of Personnel Management
Consult with Director of the Department of Defense’s Defense Acquisition University, Director of National Intelligence, and Director of National Institute of Standards and Technology.
180 days after the training program is developed, the Director of Office of Management and Budget shall promote guidance to Federal agencies requiring executive agency adoption and use of the training program.
Allow executive agencies to incorporate the training program into existing agency training programs
Provide guidance on how to identify executive agency officials with supply chain risk management responsibilities
The Director of the Office of Management and Budget make the guidance promote available to Federal agencies of the legislative and judicial branches.
Reports on Implementation of Program
180 days after the completion of the first course and annually for the next 3 years, the Administrator of General Services will submit to the appropriate committees and leadership a report on implementation of the training program.
Appropriate Congressional Committees and Leadership-
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
The Committee on Armed Services of the Senate
Committee on Oversight and Reform
Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives
Information and Communications Technology
4713(k) title 41 USC:
the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the Select Committee on Intelligence, and the majority and minority leader of the Senate; and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the Committee on the Judiciary, the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Homeland Security, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Speaker and minority leader of the House of Representatives.
Executive Agency
Section 133 title 41 USC:
an executive department specified in section 101 of title 5;
The Department of State.
The Department of the Treasury.
The Department of Defense.
The Department of Justice.
The Department of the Interior.
The Department of Agriculture.
The Department of Commerce.
The Department of Labor.
The Department of Health and Human Services.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Department of Transportation.
The Department of Energy.
The Department of Education.
The Department of Veterans Affairs.
a military department specified in section 102 of title 5;
The Department of the Army.
The Department of the Navy.
The Department of the Air Force.
an independent establishment as defined in section 104(1) of title 5;
an establishment in the executive branch (other than the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission) which is not an Executive department, military department, Government corporation, or part thereof, or part of an independent establishment
a wholly owned Government corporation fully subject to chapter 91 of title 31
the Commodity Credit Corporation.
the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund.
the Export-Import Bank of the United States.
the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
Federal Prison Industries, Incorporated.
the Corporation for National and Community Service.
the Government National Mortgage Association.
the United States International Development Finance Corporation.
the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation.
the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development when carrying out duties and powers related to the Federal Housing Administration Fund.
the Tennessee Valley Authority.
the Panama Canal Commission.
the Millennium Challenge Corporation.
the International Clean Energy Foundation.
Federal Agency
An agency, committee, commission, office or establishment in the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the Federal Government.
Training Program
As defined throughout this Act.